Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Camilla's 4th Birthday!

On March 5th, our little princess turned 4! I still cannot believe that the time has gone so quickly :) She got her first two wheel bike, with training wheels of course!

On Friday the 6th, we had a pool party for her at the local rec center. They have a great deal with admission for 10, pizza, soda, cups and plates, a room, and even a Happy Birthday t-shirt for Camilla! Grandma Grape (Grandma Larae), Justin, Candyce, Chloe, Maya, Cassie, Noah, Megan, Dave, Jordan and I were all in attendance.

To start the day off, I spent a good amount of time creating a Princess Aurora birthday cake. It was a lot of fun, even though it was a little stressful too! I am loving learning how to work with fondant and make such great creations.

Left to right: Noah, Camilla, Jordan and Megan.

We all ate our pizza...

Then Camilla chased Maya around a bit...

and then it was time for cake and presents!

Camilla tore open her gifts..

and then hugged them close!

Then she opened some more...

and hugged those close too!

We all sang Happy Birthday as she blew out 4 candles!

Then it was time for swimming. It's still really cold here.. in fact it has snowed twice in the last week, but the indoor pool is really nice and we all had a great time!

Camilla even made a couple of new friends :)

All in all the party was a big SPLASH!!! (Camilla coming down the slide)

Later Camilla told us that it was her best birthday EVER! Can't wait until next year ;)

1 comment:

Julie said...

I can't believe she's 4! Good job on the cake. I love fondant because it looks so perfect (if you do it right) and you can do such amazing things with it.