Thursday, July 30, 2009

Swimming at the Rec Center

In June, we were able to buy a 1 Year Family Pass to the Davis Recreation Center. They have gym equipment, fitness classes, basketball and raquetball courts, an ice skating rink, but most importantly 3 swimming pools and a big water slide!
I have my friend Cassandra's kids Noah and Megan on Tuesday, so we have been going swimming pretty much every Tuesday all summer long! The kids have an absolute blast, and I am more tan than I have been in years =D

Plus since the boys are both 9 or older (Noah turned 9 the beginning of July), and they know how to swim, they don't need supervision by me in the water! Their favorite thing to do is go to the competition pool and dive.
We only have a few weeks left before the kids start school, but we will keep going swimming on Tuesdays until then!

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